Saba· MMD (PMD/PMX/VMD) play and load library · Viewer (MMD/OBJ) o saba_viewer · Example o simple_mmd_viewer_glfw (OpenGL 4.1) o simple_mmd_viewer_dx11 (DirectX 11) o simple_mmd_viewer_vulkan (Vulkan 1.0.65) o Transparent Window (GLFW 3.3.2 or higher, Windows) Important ChangesUV was flipped with this commit. Environment· Windows o Visual Studio 2019 o Visual Studio 2017 o Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 · Linux · Mac File types· OBJ · PMD · PMX · VMD · VPD · x file (mmd extension) How to buildPlease install CMake before the build. Required librariesPlease prepare the following libraries. · OpenGL mingwDo not use the msys/cmake. Pelase use the mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake. Prepare the mingw64 environment as follows. pacman -S base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-ninja pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-mesa 1. Setup Bullet PhysicsSetup Bullet Physics (on Windows)Build Bullet Physics as follows. cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ^ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<Your Bullet Physics install directory> ^ -D INSTALL_LIBS=ON ^ -D USE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DLL=On ^ -D BUILD_CPU_DEMOS=Off ^ -D BUILD_OPENGL3_DEMOS=Off ^ -D BUILD_BULLET2_DEMOS=Off ^ -D BUILD_UNIT_TESTS=Off ^ .. cmake --build . --config Debug --target ALL_BUILD cmake --build . --config Debug --target INSTALL cmake --build . --config Release --target ALL_BUILD cmake --build . --config Release --target INSTALL Please change -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" according to your environment. Setup Bullet Physics (on Mac)brew install bullet Setup Bullet Physics (on Linux)Ubuntu: apt-get install libbullet-dev Arch linux: pacman -S bullet Setup Bullet Physics (on mingw)pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-bullet 2. Setup GLFWSetup GLFW (on Windows)Setup GLFW (on Mac)brew install glfw Setup GLFW (on Linux)Ubuntu: apt-get install libglfw3-dev Arch linux: pacman -S glfw Setup GLFW (on mingw)pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-glfw 3. Clone Sabacd saba 4. Run CMake and buildRun CMake and build (on Windows)mkdir build cd build cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ^ -D SABA_BULLET_ROOT=<Your Bullet Physics install directory> ^ -D SABA_GLFW_ROOT=<your GLFW install directory> ^ .. Open the created sln file in Visual Studio and build it. "saba_viewer" project is the viewer application. Run CMake and build (on Mac/Linux)mkdir build cd build cmake .. make -j4 ./saba_viewer If the operation is heavy, please try the following. cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE .. make -j4 Run CMake and build (on mingw)mkdir build cd build cmake .. ninja ./saba_viewer Initial settingInitialize with the "init.json" or "init.lua" file placed in the current directory. Write "init.json" or "init.lua" file in UTF-8. 1. Example "init.json"{ "MSAAEnable": true, "MSAACount": 8, "Commands":[ { "Cmd":"open", "Args":["test.pmx"] }, { "Cmd":"open", "Args":["test.vmd"] } ]} MSAAEnableEnable MSAA. MSAACountSet the number of MSAA samples. CommandsSet the commands to be executed at startup. 2. Example "init.lua"MSAA = { Enable = true, Count = 8 } InitCamera = { Center = {x = 0, y = 10, z = 0}, Eye = {x = 0, y = 10, z = 50}, NearClip = 1.0, FarClip = 2000.0, Radius = 100 } InitScene = { UnitScale = 10 } Commands = { { Cmd = "open", Args = {"test.pmx"}, }, { Cmd = "open", Args = {"test.vmd"}, }, { Cmd = "play" }, } MSAA.EnableEnable MSAA. MSAA.CountSet the number of MSAA samples. InitCamera.CenterSet camera center position at scene initialization. InitCamera.EyeSet camera eye position at scene initialization. InitCamera.NearClipSet camera near clip at scene initialization. InitCamera.FarClipSet camera far clip at scene initialization. InitCamera.RadiusSet camera zoom radius at scene initialization. InitScene.UnitScaleSet grid size at scene initialization. CommandsSet the commands to be executed at startup. Run ScriptYou can run the script. The command line argument is the "Args" variable. ModelIndex = 1print(Args[1]) Commands = { { Cmd = "open", Args = {Models[ModelIndex]}, }, { Cmd = "open", Args = {"test.vmd"}, }, { Cmd = "play" }, } How to useDrag and drop files, or use the "open" command. MMD1. Drag and drop model(PMD/PMX) file. 2. Drag and drop motion(VMD) file. CameraDrag the mouse to move the camera. · Left Button (z + Left Button) : Rotate · Right Button (c + Left Button) : Zoom · Middle Button (x + Left Button) : Translate Commandsopenopen <file path> Open the file. Supported file types. · OBJ · PMD · PMX · VMD The model file will be selected when opened. The model name will be model_xxx(nnn is ID). selectselect <model name> Select a model. clearclear [-all] Clear a model. If invoked with no arguments, it clears the selected model. If -all is specified, all models will be cleared. playplay Play the animation. stopstop Stop the animation. translatetranslate x y z Translate the selected model. rotaterotate x y z Rotate the selected model. scalescale x y z Scale the selected model. refreshCustomCommandrefreshCustomCommand Refresh the custom command. enableUIenableUI [false] Switch the display of the UI. F1 key works the same way. clearAnimationclearAnimation [-all] Clear animation of selected model. clearSceneAnimationclearSceneAnimation Clear animation of scene(eg camera). Custom commandYou can create custom commands using Lua. When "command.lua" is placed in the current directory and started up, the custom command written in Lua is loaded. Write "command.lua" with UTF - 8. For example, you can register a model or animation load as a macro. function OpenModel(files) return function () ExecuteCommand("clear", "-all") for i, filename in ipairs(files) do ExecuteCommand("open", filename) end endend function OpenAnim(files, isPlay) return function () ExecuteCommand("clearAnimation", "-all") ExecuteCommand("clearSceneAnimation") for i, filename in ipairs(files) do ExecuteCommand("open", filename) end if isPlay then ExecuteCommand("play") end endend -- Register Model Load CommandRegisterCommand("", OpenModel({"Model1_Path"}), "01_Model/Menu1")RegisterCommand("", OpenModel({"Model2_Path"}), "01_Model/Menu2") -- Register Animation Load Command anims = { "ModelAnim_Path", "CameraAnim_Path", }RegisterCommand("", OpenAnim(anims, true), "02_Anim/Anim1") Here are functions that can be used in "command.lua". RegisterCommandRegisterCommand(commandName, commandFunc, menuName)-- Register command. -- commandName : Command name-- If it is empty, the command name is set automatically.銆?/span> -- commandFunc : Command function -- menuName : Menu name-- This is the name when registering a custom command in the menu.銆?/span>-- If it is empty it will not be added to the menu.-- '/' Separate the menu hierarchy. ExecuteCommandExecuteCommand(command, args)-- Execute the command. -- command : Execute the command. --- args : Arguments to pass to the command.--- It is a string or table.
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